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Home » What's New » April is national Sports Eye Safety Month

April is national Sports Eye Safety Month

With the spring, along with often warmer weather, comes an increase in the number of eye injuries caused by sports accidents. Each season, far too many people, both young and old sustain eye injuries as a result of sport play that could easily be averted with proper protection and knowledge. Wearing proper eye protection while playing sports is important especially in contact sports or those that bring you out into the sun such as basketball, softball, cricket, tennis, full-contact martial arts, soccer, or golf.

Lower your risk of a sports eye injury by using the proper protective eyewear right for the activity you might be involved in. Protective eyewear will keep you out of harm's way and will also have additional protection to minimize your exposure to harmful UV light for outdoor play. Sports eyewear is designed especially to protect your eyes from certain accidents. Regular glasses usually don't meet the minimum requirements for preventing impact, which means that even just the smallest tumble can become an actual sight-threatening injury.

Sports and eye safety means more than using the appropriate eyewear. Your vision is an important factor of your ability to compete, so you must have strong vision. For those who already wear glasses, you'll need protective sports glasses with a prescription to make it easier to be safe. If you're fitted with contacts, you may need a different lens than those you normally wear. Speak to your eye care professional about the options that are right for you.

All sports have differing needs and risks, so it's important to allow your eye care professional to identify your unique situation and fit you with the right eyeglasses or lenses that best fit your visual skills. This is key in helping you gain the winning edge you need to excel and have fun safely.

Different sports include differing dangers and demands, so it's important to allow your eye care professional to assess your unique needs and provide the correct glasses or contact lenses that best fit your eyesight needs. This will only help you give you the boost you need to excel and enjoy sports safety.


Wink is open!

We will be taking extra precautionary measures to protect the health of both you and our staff, including:

  • Enhanced cleaning and disinfection of all surfaces
  • COVID-19 screening of all customers and staff
  • Temperature checks at the office door
  • Masks will be required
  • Added Merv 13 Air Filters

  • Disinfecting process for all frames
  • Added UV lights in the Ductwork for air sterilization
  • Contact lens & eyeglass ordering with direct patient shipment or curbside delivery

Hours | M-F 10am-6pm | Saturday 10am-4pm

301-545-1111 |